
What our customers say

Van Aalst Bulk Handling

Service and communication are key factors

Service and communication levels are key factors that influence the decision to work with Heila Cranes.
Arno van Aalst, managing director of Van Aalst, is convinced of this. ‘Early in the 1990s our company contacted Heila. We immediately clicked during our first meeting with Heila’s owners at that time. Our approach to business and working methods were very much in line with Heila’s culture.’

In 1956, Van Aalst began as a transshipment company (ship unloading equipment) and over the years developed into the company it is today. Van Aalst Bulk Handling started trading at the end of the 1990s. The company specialises in bulk handling systems for loading and unloading dusty, abrasive powders, such as cement, fly ash, alumina, and the transshipment and storage of these. The capacity of these pneumatic ship unloaders varies from 50 to 1000 tonnes per hour. The systems are supplied for use on quaysides, floating pontoons and ships (floating terminals). Most customers are located outside the Netherlands.

‘Heila Cranes Nederland has supplied cement manipulators for many years. Ultimately, the final customer decides which supplier will be used, but the decision frequently favours Heila. This often results in Heila supplying the manipulators. Not only is the product good, the price/quality ratio is also favourable. In my view, a key factor in the successful collaboration between us is Heila’s service and communication,’ states Arno. ‘I have two regular contacts at Heila, who both fully understand my needs. Heila stocks an ever-increasing range of components, making fast delivery the norm. We (or our customers) carry out as many repairs as possible ourselves and we can always request feedback from Heila if there are problems. So, after more than a few decades the “click” is still there.’

For more information on Van Aalst Bulk Handling, please visit their website. www.vanaalstbulkhandling.com.


Trusted by

Companies using our fixed boom crane solutions

Knuckle Boom

Our first acquaintance has been positive. Heila is an all-round company with no nonsense employees.

Ronald Starink

Technical Superintendent

Knuckle Boom

What strikes me most about Heila is its customer focus

Tom de Haan

Project Manager at Seaway Heavy Lifting

Knuckle Boom

“These cranes are more robust than any other brand”

Piet Hoefnagel

Owner TB Waterwerk